Template: Performance Improvement Plan

Make feedback a winning habit on your team.
Creating a Performance Improvement Plan is a crucial strategy for helping underperforming employees get back on track and reach their full potential.

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Creating a Performance Improvement Plan is a crucial strategy for helping underperforming employees get back on track and reach their full potential. A well-structured PIP provides a clear, actionable roadmap that outlines specific performance issues, sets measurable goals, and details the support and resources available to the employee.

Research indicates that employees who are given structured improvement plans are 70% more likely to enhance their performance and remain engaged with their organization. By addressing performance issues proactively, managers can identify underlying problems, offer targeted coaching, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

A Performance Improvement Plan not only benefits the employee but also strengthens the overall team by ensuring that every member is contributing effectively. It demonstrates the organization’s commitment to employee development and success, which can boost morale and retention rates. By implementing a PIP, organizations can turn performance challenges into opportunities for growth, ultimately driving better outcomes for both the individual and the company.

This template can be used when you need to coach someone’s performance. Ensure you check out the pro tips below to ensure you are successful in this plan. 

Feel free to adjust to your personal use cases.

Click here to make a copy of the template | Word version

📍Pro Tips

  • Consult your HR team to ensure you follow any company rules or local laws 
  • Ensure your direct report is clear on what is happening and what is the consequence of not succeeding in the plan (ie suspension or termination). Don’t shy away from this part of the conversation.  
  • For the duration of the plan, set up regular check-ins (likely 1x or 2x a week) with your direct report. 
  • Document, document, document – ensure the plan and all feedback is documented. This will help ensure you can track progress as well as help HR support you if needed. 
  • Remember – no one feels good about being in a role they are failing at. If someone is not succeeding, a plan is the best thing you can do to support your direct report. 
  • Remember – have empathy. This is most likely going to be a series of tough conversations for you and your direct report. For you – get a support network such as HR, your manager or a peer to help you practice the conversations and ensure you have the support you need. For your direct report – check in with them often on what support they need, ensure they feel like a collaborator in the plan. 


Why are we here

We are here because you are not meeting the expectations of the role. The expectations and actual performance are outlined below.

Use this space to write down why the person is on a plan. Remember, people can be on plans for issues with metrics, projects and/or behaviors. Be clear about the reason the person is on the plan.

Expectations of the role 

INSERT expectations of the role. Remember to use iron clad expectations (link here). 

Actual performance 

INSERT your direct report’s actual performance. Link to dashboards or metrics where relevant. 

Goal of this plan 

The goals of this performance improvement plan is to ensure you understand your performance, where there are gaps, get support where needed and, in the end, improve your performance up to expectations. The overall goal is your success in this role. We will work together, collaboratively to ensure we are successful. 

The Plan

Use this space to outline the performance improvement plan in detail.

Expectations for you to hit 

  • INSERT expectation + how/where it is measured 

Start and end dates of the plan 

  • INSERT start and end dates 

When we will check in 

  • INSERT check in cadence (ie 1x or 2x a week) – put it on the calendar

Key resources 

  • INSERT – link key resources (ie process documentation, dashboards etc) 

When we meet this will be the agenda we follow  

  • Expectation: We will review the expectations each time we meet. 
  • Actual: We will discuss and document your actual performance relative to those expectations.
  • Coaching: I will provide coaching where necessary. 
  • Support needed: I will ask you what support you need each week and ensure I am here to help you be successful (training, exposure, materials etc). Please come to each check-in with what would be most helpful for you to succeed. 
  • Feedback: This is space for us to both provide feedback to each other. 

What happens if you do not meet the expectations of the plan 

  • INSERT the next steps if the person does not meet the expectations of the plan (ie suspension, termination etc)